Chrome is the much awaited web browser from Google.  We have all heard the rumors for years, and if you are anything like me, you have completely ignored them.  Because, even if they were true, who cares?  Google brings in another browser, big deal. What could they possibly bring to the table?


Apparently they bring to the table a metric shit ton of computer-y science people that reinvent "fast" when it comes to JavaScript execution and html rendering.  Besides blazing fast JavaScript-ness they also bring (my favs):

  • Tear away tabs:

Grab a tab.  Drag it out of the window.  New window.

Grab the tab from the new window. Drag it back to the old window. 

How awesome is that?

  • Default home page

Love the fact that they show me screen-shots of the sites I visit most.  My problem with setting a homepage (or favorites) is that I have to *remember* the exist and update them when my tastes change.  Chrome will notice that I don't go to the same sites anymore and slowly show me sites I visit more often.  That is *hot*.


Anyway, go download it.  It is totally worth checking out.


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